How I reached 10M Credits on ClickVoyager Traffic Exchange:
A good quality large manual-surfing membership base (100k) and a small surf timer of 6 s (compared to usual 10-20 s on other exchanges) makes it a good Advertising choice as a Traffic Exchange.
This clean looking, easy to use exchange has been there since 2004.
But only late, I came to know it's traffic potential.
It came to my notice when one of my small list of 37 had 9 opt-ins joined in a month from ClickVoyager and 3 of the 9 were from Tier 1 countries.
I was thereafter excited to explore more of it to my use and became active about a year ago.
And a result of my 5-6 months of activity, I have now accumulated 10 Million credits, that's an obesity of traffic, 1M page Views I can use for any of my Links (Of course most of the times, I use a very affordable paid surfing service to accumulate quick credits) :
As a customary Traffic exchange, it has some interesting features:
- A no-captcha 6s surf timer (compared to usual 10-20s on other exchanges)
- A very light fast loading splash pages creator,
- A Bribes section to build downlines in other programs,
- A in-house message facility to msg our downlines,
- A daily Auction for "daily sponsor site" which gives14000+ views a day,
- A profitable Games & Contests section,
- A free SILVER Upgrade for Sunday surfers,
- A random free 7 days PLATINUM upgrade to 3 surfers,
- A random free 3 months GOLD upgrade to 1 surfer,
- A bonus 1.5 times credits for Monday Surfers,
- A five-level % traffic on referrals traffic (20% on first level,10% on other 4!)
1. Surf a fixed number of pages:
Surf with a daily fixed target number of pages. I suggest 250 pages a day.
It takes 6s x 250 = 1500s = 25 min.
First day you will accumulate 250 x 2 = 500 credits (as a free member)
Of course, An upgraded member has to surf less for same number of credits:
2. Start Surfing from Sunday:
If you start Surfing on Sunday, 250 pages will secure you a free SILVER upgrade for the whole of next week.
For a Silver member, 250 pages equals 250 x 5 = 1250 credits
Mondays give 1.5 times credits, So you will get 250 x 7.5 = 1875 credits
3. Don't miss surfing on Monday & Thursday:
Monday also gives 7 days PLATINUM upgrade to any 3 chosen members.
Thursday gives 3 month GOLD upgrade to one of the randomly chosen member.
Other benefits of winning an upgrade:
4. Take Prizes while surfing:
Often you will see Prize pages randomly displayed while surfing.
It could be Hi-Lo game page, 3 Gift-Offers page or Hangman Word search page.
These prize pages are worth 20-500 credits in a go. That equals 4-100 pages of surfing.
So it counts sufficiently in our total credits.
I have received 0.5 Million credits only from the Prize Pages.
5. Everyday Games & Contests:
Top Surfer points: Everyday we get extra credits for being among top 100 surfers.
Usually a 250 page surf will put you there in top 100 list everyday.
CV league points: In addition to normal credits, we also accumulate CV league credits for surfing or for promoting CV links/Splash pages.
* (We earn credits when we create splash pages here and use them for promoting other programs ) *
CV Slots: Another benefit is we get 1 CV spin slot for every 50 pages surfed. Each slot wins us up to 2000 credits.
* (CV slots are not carried over to next day. So claim them everyday else they will be zeroed next day) *
6. Bribes:
This provides a facility to build our downlines in other programs. From here we can get some extra CV credits by signing up other programs.
I use this feature to offer FREE gift credits to my opt-ins in any of my oher programs. Offering good traffic views is best gift to any marketer.
And this way it builds me downline in CV as well.
Here is the sample settings of a page & the page view created by those settings:
For Free members, there is a ClickVoyager logo bar at the bottom of the page.
8. Your Ads:
a. Traffic is distributed per member not per site.
More Ads we set, more our credits get divided among.
And Lesser hits we receive per Ad.
So its best to setup max 2-3 Ads at a time for quickest traffic.
b. Traffic Exchange viewers are opportunity seekers but not direct buyers.
So use Splash page to collect list rather than directly displaying your offer.
c. Exchange members are not our list members.
80% Sales will come through follow up series via list.
So Use very low ticket or Free programs to get them on list.
High ticket or paid subscription offers are not easily accepted.
d. Ad Splash page should be kept light and quick loading.
9. Your Referrals:
What's more, you'll also earn 10% of the credits earned by another four levels of referrals!
On top of that, you'll earn CV League Points every time any of your referral pages is shown, even if nobody signs up!
Upgraded members get random referrals allocated.
I have received 156K credits from my 6 + 8 (rarely active) referrals.
One of the very rare but useful features, In-house messaging.
I use this often to send msgs and credits to my downline.
How to msg downline: Go to referrals page, Click the Username of your referral and click small Orange Msg box.
This concludes how we can use ClickVoyager to its maximum .
Accumulate maximum credits & Advertise intelligently. It should be beneficial.
Explore all the features yourself: Join and start using now.
If you feel tired of surfing, for minimal charges use this very affordable paid surfing service. I am a customer for a long time and still use it often.